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Episode 1 - Foot Health - Are you wearing the right shoes to lifts? Why is it important to take care of your feet?


Run Better by Running Less

Many marathon run programs have 4 to 5+ days a week of run training, with the idea that if you condition your body enough in training, it will be able to handle the demands on race day.

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Can’t run for a while? Here’s how to stay in shape while injured

Don’t let an injury undo all your endurance training. Here are some simple things you can do to stay in shape while injured so you can come back even stronger!

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Episode 1 - Foot Health - Are you wearing the right shoes to lifts? Why is it important to take care of your feet?

Run Better by Running Less

Run Better by Running Less

Can’t run for a while? Here’s how to stay in shape while injured

Can’t run for a while? Here’s how to stay in shape while injured

The 3 best kettlebell exercises for runners

The 3 best kettlebell exercises for runners

Pushing yourself too far: Overtraining syndrome, its symptoms and prevention

Pushing yourself too far: Overtraining syndrome, its symptoms and prevention

How to handle the heat of summer running

How to handle the heat of summer running

A great reason to get fit: physical fitness is related to professional success

A great reason to get fit: physical fitness is related to professional success


7 Effective ways to stay motivated to work out, backed by science

COVID-19 pandemic safety: Is it safe to go back to the gym?

COVID-19 pandemic safety: Is it safe to go back to the gym?

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States, fitness establishments were ordered to close. Gyms and other public spaces where a large number...

The many benefits of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), from head to toe

The many benefits of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), from head to toe

Exercise is an important aspect of daily life that most people tend to overlook. This is particularly true now that more people are working from home and...

Tips to get rid of different types of body fat

Tips to get rid of different types of body fat

You’ve probably heard this countless times, but being overweight or obese can cause serious complications to your health.
